EDI Mapping Dramas

NADLoop1 Segment

I had a situation where I needed to get the supplier and buyer party id’s from the EDI NADLoop1 nodes as shown



I did not want to use the looping functiod, instead I resorted to use inline XSLT with selectors as shown:

<xsl:value-of select="/s0:EFACT_D96A_ORDRSP/s0:NADLoop1/s0:NAD/NAD01[text() = 'SU']/following-sibling::s0:C082/C08201/text()" />

<xsl:value-of select="/s0:EFACT_D96A_ORDRSP/s0:NADLoop1/s0:NAD/NAD01[text() = 'BY']/following-sibling::s0:C082/C08201/text()" />


The selectors are represented by NAD01[text() = ‘SU’] and NAD01[text() = ‘BY’] and then by using the “following-sibling” function to get the actual party id.

Now I wanted to access these values in some C-sharp code inside a scripting functiod. Here are the steps I used.

1. Add a scripting functiod for Inline C# with no connections to any of the elements as shown below:


In the Inline script buffer text box I added the following code to declare the variables and functions to set the get the variable values.

private string _senderGLNNumber;
       private string _customerGLNNumber;
       private string _senderOrgType;
       private string _customerOrgType;
       public string SenderGLNNumberSet( string value ) { _senderGLNNumber  = value; return value;}
       public string SenderOrgTypeSet(string value) {_senderOrgType = value; return value;}

       public string CustomerGLNNumberSet( string value ) {_customerGLNNumber  = value; return value;}
       public string CustomerOrgTypeSet(string value) {_customerOrgType = value; return value;}


2. I then set the values using the another Scripting functiod for Inline XSLT as shown below. The output of the functiod is linked to an element in the destination schema to force the functiod to execute at the start of the transformation.


The Inline script buffer has the following XSLT. I use the XSLT Variable  element to call the C# functions to set the values.

<xsl:variable name="var:SenderGLNNumber" select="userCSharp:SenderGLNNumberSet(string(s0:NADLoop1/s0:NAD/NAD01[text() = 'SU']/following-sibling::s0:C082/C08201/text()))" />
  <xsl:variable name="var:CustomerGLNNumber" select="userCSharp:CustomerGLNNumberSet(string(s0:NADLoop1/s0:NAD/NAD01[text() = 'BY']/following-sibling::s0:C082/C08201/text()))" />

  <xsl:variable name="var:SenderOrgType" select="userCSharp:SenderOrgTypeSet(string(s0:NADLoop1/s0:NAD/NAD01[text() = 'SU']/following-sibling::s0:C082/C08203/text()))" />
  <xsl:variable name="var:CustomerOrgType" select="userCSharp:CustomerOrgTypeSet(string(s0:NADLoop1/s0:NAD/NAD01[text() = 'BY']/following-sibling::s0:C082/C08203/text()))" />


3. To set a destination element, add a Inline XSLT functiod as shown


The Inline script buffer has the following XSLT to create the element and value.

<xsl:element name ="RECIPIENT">
        <xsl:value-of select="userCSharp:CustomerGLNNumberGet()" />


or to get it via C# code, you can use the Scripting functiod using Inline C# and adding  a retrieval function  in the Inline script buffer as shown below.

public string CustomerGLNNumberGet1() {return  _customerGLNNumber; }


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