Azure APIM Content Based Routing Policy

Content based routing is where the message routing endpoint is determined by the contents of the message at runtime. Instead of using an Azure Logic App workflow to determine where route the message, I decided to use Azure APIM and a custom policy. The main objective of using an APIM policy was to allow me to add or update the routing information through configuration rather than code and to add a proxy API for each of the providers API endpoints.

Below is the high level design of the solution based on Azure APIM and custom policies. Here the backend ERP system sends a generic PO message to the PO Routing API which will then forward the message onto the suppliers proxy API based on the SupplierId contained in the message. The proxy API will then transform the generic PO to the correct format before being sent to the supplier’s API.

The main component of this solution is the internal routing API that accepts the PO message and uses a custom APIM Policy to read the SupplierId attribute in the message. The outbound URL of this API is then set to the internal supplier proxy API by using a lookup list to find the matching reroute URL for the SupplierId. This lookup list is a JSON array stored as a Name-Value pair in APIM. This allows us to add or update the routing information through configuration rather than code.

Here is the structure of the URL lookup list which is an array of JSON objects stored as a Name-value pair in APIM.

     "Name": "Supplier A",
     "SupplierId": "AB123",
     "Name": "Supplier B",
     "SupplierId": "XYZ111",
     "Name": "SupplierC",
     "SupplierId": "WAK345",

PO Routing API

The code below is the custom policy for the PO Routing API. This loads the above JSON URL Lookup list into a variable called “POList”.  The PO request body is then loaded into a JObject  type and the SupplierId attribute value found. Here you can use more complex queries if the required routing values are scattered within the message.

Next the URL Lookup list is converted into a JArray type and then searched for the matching SupplierId which was found in the request message. The  variable “ContentBasedUrl” is then set to the URL attribute of the redirection object. If no errors are found then the backend url is set to the  internal supplier’s proxy API and the PO message forwarded on.

  // Get the URL Lookup list from the Name-value pair in APIM 
    <set-variable name="POList" value="{{dev-posuppliers-lookup}}" />

    <set-variable name="ContentBasedUrl" value="@{ 

        JObject body = context.Request.Body.As<JObject>(true);

        // Create an JSON object collection

          // Get the AccountId from the inbound PO message
            var supplierId = body["Purchase"]?["SupplierId"];

            var jsonList = JArray.Parse((string)context.Variables.GetValueOrDefault<string>("POList"));

          // Find the AccountId in the json array 
            var arr = jsonList.Where(m => m["SupplierId"].Value<string>() == (string)supplierId);

            if(arr.Count() == 0 )
                return "ERROR - No matching account found for :- " + supplierId;

            var url = ((JObject)arr.First())["Url"];
            if( url == null )
                return "ERROR - Cannot find key 'Url'";

            return url.ToString();
        catch( Exception ex)
            return "ERROR - Invalid message received.";

    }" />
        <when condition="@(((string)context.Variables["ContentBasedUrl"]).StartsWith("ERROR"))">
                <set-status code="400" />
                <set-header name="X-Error-Description" exists-action="override">
    <set-backend-service base-url="@((string)context.Variables["ContentBasedUrl"])" />
    <base />
    <base />
    <base />

Supplier Proxy API

A proxy API is created for each of the suppliers in APIM where the backend is set to the suppliers API endpoint.  The proxy will typically have the following policies.

The primary purpose of this proxy API is to map the generic PO message to the required suppliers format and to manage any authentication requirements. See my other blog about using a mapping function within a policy There is no reason why you cannot use any other mapping process in this section.

The map in the Outbound section of the policy takes the response message from the Suppliers API and maps it to the generic PO response message which is then passed back to the PO Routing API and then finally to the ERP system as the response message.

Also by adding a proxy for each of the supplier’s API provides decoupling from the main PO Routing API,  allowing us to test the suppliers API directly using the proxy.

The last step is to add all these API’s to a new Product in APIM so the subscription key can be shared and passed down from the Routing API to the supplier’s proxy APIs.


Content based message routing using Azure Logic Apps, Function and Service Bus

Content Based Routing (CBR) is another pattern used in the integration world. The contents of the message determines the endpoint of the message.

This article will describe one option to develop this pattern using an Azure Service Bus, an Azure Function and a Logic App.

Basically the service bus will be used to route the message to the correct endpoint using topics and subscriptions. The Azure Function is used to host and execute the business rules to inspect the message contents and set the routing properties. A logic app is used to accept the message and call the function passing the received message as an argument. Once the function executes the business rules, it will return the routing properties in the response body. The routing information is then used to set the properties on the service bus API connector in the Logic App before publishing the message onto the bus.



To demonstrate a typical use-case of this pattern we have 2 message types, Sales Orders (SO) and Purchase Orders (PO). For the SO I want to send the order to a priority queue if the total sales amount is over a particular value. And for a PO, it should be sent to a pre-approval queue if the order value is under a specified amount.

Here is an example of a SO message to be routed:


And an example of a PO being sent:



The real smarts of this solution is the function which will return a common JSON response message to set the values for the Topic name and the custom properties on the service bus connector. The fields of the response message are described below.

  • TopicName – the name of service bus topic to send the message to.
  • CBRFilter_1 – used by the subscription rule to filter the value on. Depending on your own requirements you may need more fields to filter more granular.
  • RuleSetVersion – used by the subscription rule to filter the value on. It’s a good idea to have this field as you may have several versions of this rule in play at any one time.

Let’s start with provisioning the service bus topics and subscriptions for the 2 types of messages. First create 2 topics called purchaseorder and salesorder.



Now add the following subscriptions and rules for each of the topics.

Topic Name Subscription Name Rule
purchaseorder Approved_V1.00 CBRFilter_1 = ‘Approved’ and RuleSetVersion = ‘1.00’
purchaseorder NotApproved_V1.00 CBRFilter_1 = ‘ApprovedNot’ and RuleSetVersion = ‘1.00’
salesorder HighPriority_V1.00 CBRFilter_1 = ‘PriorityHigh’ and RuleSetVersion = ‘1.00’
salesorder LowPriority_V1.00 CBRFilter_1 = ‘PriorityLow’ and RuleSetVersion = ‘1.00’

Next is the development of the Azure function. This is best developed in Visual Studio where you can include a Unit Test project to each of the rules. Add a new Azure Function project to your solution.


After the project has been created, right click on the function and click Add -> New Item. Choose Azure Function, give it a name and select the Http trigger option.


Below is code for the HTTP trigger function which includes the class definition for the RoutingProperties object. I am checking for specific elements SalesOrderNumber, PurchaseOrderNumber in the JSON message to determine the type of message and which determines what rule code block to execute. Each rule block code will first set the TopicName and RuleSetVersion properties.

public static class CBRRule



       public static async Task<HttpResponseMessage> Run([HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function,  "post", Route = null)]HttpRequestMessage req, TraceWriter log)


           log.Info("C# HTTP trigger function processed a request.");

           var routingProperties = new RoutingProperties();

           // Get request body

           JObject data = await req.Content.ReadAsAsync<JObject>();

           //Is this a  sales order message type           

           if (data != null && data["SalesOrderNumber"] != null)


               routingProperties.CBRFilter_1 = "PriorityLow";

               routingProperties.RuleSetVersion = "1.00";

               routingProperties.TopicName = "SalesOrder";

               var lineItems = data["Lines"];

               var totalSaleAmount = lineItems.Sum(x => (decimal)x["UnitPrice"] * (decimal)x["Qty"]);

               //if the total sales is greater than $1000 send the message to the high priority queue

               if (totalSaleAmount > 1000)

                   routingProperties.CBRFilter_1 = "PriorityHigh";


           //Is this a purchase order message type           

           if (data != null && data["PurchaseOrderNumber"] != null)


               routingProperties.CBRFilter_1 = "ApprovedNot";

               routingProperties.RuleSetVersion = "1.00";

               routingProperties.TopicName = "PurchaseOrder";

               var lineItems = data["Lines"];

               var totalSaleAmount = lineItems.Sum(x => (decimal)x["UnitPrice"] * (decimal)x["Qty"]);

               //Approve PO if the total order price is less than $500

               if (totalSaleAmount < 500)

                   routingProperties.CBRFilter_1 = "Approved";


           return req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, routingProperties);


       /// <summary>

       /// Response message to set the custom routing properties of the service bus

       /// </summary>

       public class RoutingProperties


           public string TopicName { get; set; }

           public string CBRFilter_1 { get; set; }

           public string RuleSetVersion { get; set; }

           public RoutingProperties()


               this.CBRFilter_1 = "Unknown";

               this.RuleSetVersion = "Unknown";

               this.TopicName = "Unknown";




The business rule for a SO aggregates all the line items and checks if the total amount is greater than 1000, if it is then set the property CBRFilter_1 to “PriorityHigh”.

The business rule for a PO also aggregates all the line items and checks if the total amount is less than 500, if it is then set the property CBRFilter to “Approved”.

With the following input message sent to the function:


The output of the function should look similar to this below


Now we need to publish the function from Visual Studio to your Azure resource group using the publishing wizard.


The last component of this solution is the Logic App which is triggered by an HTTP Request API and then calls the Azure function created above. The basic flow looks like this below.


The HTTP Request trigger has no request body JSON schema created. The trigger must accept any type of message.


Add an Azure Function after the trigger action and select the method called “CBRRule”


Set the Request Body to the trigger body content and the Method to “POST”


Next add a Service Bus action and set the properties as shown. Both the Queue/Topic name and Properties are set from the function response message


Here is the code view of the Send Message action showing how the properties are set.



Using PostMan we can send sample messages to the Logic App and then see them sitting on the service bus waiting to be processed by some other method.

At the moment the service bus should have no messages waiting to be processed as shown


Using PostMan to send the following PO, we should see this message end up in the purchaseorder/NotApproved subscription.


All going well, the message will arrive at the correct subscription waiting to be processed as shown below using Service Bus Explorer.


Sending the following SO will also route the message to the correct subscriber.




CBR can be easily achievable using an Azure Function to execute your business rules on a message to set up the routing properties. Taking this a step further, I would abstract the business rules for each message type in its own class for manageability.

Also it is advisable to setup a Unit Test project for each of the classes holding the business rules to ensure 100% code testing coverage.
