Enterprise API for Advanced Azure Developers

For the last few months I have busy developing  the above course for EC-Council. This is my first endeavour doing something like this and wanted to experience the process of  creating an online course.

You can view my course here at https://codered.eccouncil.org/course/enterprise-api-for-advanced-azure-developers and would be keen to get your feedback on any improvements I can make if I do create another course in the future.

The course will take you through the steps of designing and developing an enterprise-ready API from the ground up, covering both the functional and non-functional design aspects of an API. There is a total of 7 chapters equating to just over 4 hours of video content covering the following topics:

  • Learn the basics of designing an enterprise level API.

  • Learn about the importance of an API schema definition.

  • Learn about the common non-functional requirements when designing an API.

  • Develop a synchronous and asynchronous API’s using Azure API App and Logic Apps

  • Understand how to secure your API using Azure Active Directory and custom roles.

  • Set up Azure API Management and customizing the Developer Portal.

  • Create custom APIM polices.

  • Configure monitoring and alerting for your API.


Always Linter your API Definitions

An API definition may be thought of as an electronic equivalent of a receptionist for an organisation. A receptionist is normally the first person they see when visiting an organisation and their duties may include answering enquires about products and services.

This is similar to an API definition, when someone wants to do business electronically, they would use the API definition to obtain information about the available services and operations.

My thoughts are, API’s should be built customer first and developer second. Meaning an API needs to be treated as a product and to make it appealing to a consumer, it needs to be designed as intuitive and usable with very little effort.

Having standardised API definition documents across all your API’s, allows a consumer to easily navigate around your API’s as they will all have a consistent look and feel about them. This specially holds true when there are multiple teams developing Microservices for your organisation. You don’t want your consumers think they are dealing with several different organisations because they all look and behave differently. Also, when generating the client object models from several different API definitions from the same organisation, you want the property names to all follow the same naming conventions.

To ensure uniformity across all API schema definitions, a linter tool should be implemented. One such open-source tool is Spectral https://github.com/stoplightio/spectral from Stoplight, however there are many other similar products available.

Ideally the validation should be added as a task to your CI/CD pipelines when committing the changes to your API definition repository.

Using Spectral in MS DevOps API Projects

Spectral provides the capability to develop custom rules as a yaml or json file. I typically create a separate DevOps project to store these rules inside a repository which may be shared across other API projects.

Below is how I have setup the repositories section in the pipeline to include the linter rules and the API definition.


After downloading the Spectral npm package in the pipeline, I then run the CLI command to start the linter on the schema specification document which is normally stored in a folder called ‘specification’ in the corresponding API repository.


An example of the pipeline job can be seen below. Here the job failed due to some rule violations.


The build pipeline and sample rules can be found here https://github.com/connectedcircuits/devops-api-linter

Hope this article now persuades you to start using Linter across all your API definitions.


Robust Cloud Integration with Azure

For the last year I have been busy co-authoring this book on Azure Cloud Integration with my follow co-authors Abhishek Kumarm, Martin Abbott, Gyanendra Kumar Gautam, James Corbould and Ashish Bhanbhani.

Image result for robust cloud integration with azure

It is available on the Packt website here: https://www.packtpub.com/virtualization-and-cloud/robust-cloud-integration-azure

This book will teach you how to design and implement cloud integration using Microsoft Azure. It starts by showing you how to build, deploy, and secure the API app. Next, it introduces you to Logic Apps and helps you quickly start building your integration applications. We’ll then go through the different connectors available for Logic Apps to build your automated business process workflow. Its packed with a lot of information spanning just under 700 pages.

Don’t forget to check out another publication I co-authored back in 2015 with with Mark Brimble, Johann Cooper and Colin Dijkgraaf called SOA Patterns with BizTalk Server 2013 and Microsoft Azure.

SOA Patterns with BizTalk Server 2013 and Microsoft Azure - Second Edition Book Cover

And it is still available from the Packt website here: https://www.packtpub.com/networking-and-servers/soa-patterns-biztalk-server-2013-second-edition

Hope you enjoy reading it, just as I enjoyed writing the content.

Securing a MVC Web API using Azure AD and using Client Credential flow

In this blog I will show you how to add authorisation to a MCV Controller,  setup Azure AD as an OAuth 2.0 JWT (Json Web Token)  provider and use an Azure AD endpoint to obtain the access token. I will be using Client Credentials grant flow to access a protected Web API resource.

Client Credential flow uses a Client Id and a Client Secret values. These are sent to an OAuth  token provider to retrieve an access token first. This is ideal for a client application calling a web service resource without a user supplying their login credentials. The following sequence diagram shows how a website would call a web service.


Registering the Web API Service

Lets first start by provisioning an Azure Active Directory using the classic portal as we will require the generated Audience and Tenant values for our MVC Web API latter.



Next add a name for your Directory and a unique Domain Name to use. For this example I called it “connectedcircuits”


Once the Domain has been configured it will be shown in your active directory listings.


Next we will add an Application to this domain for the Web API we are developing. Now click on Applications. It will have a default application already registered for Office 365 Management APIs.


Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the Add button. It will then show the following dialogue box. Select “Add an application my organisation is developing”


Give it a suitable name and select “Web Application and/or Web API”


In the next screen you can set the Sign-on URL to “http://localhost” as we won’t be using this URL for  Client Credential flow.

Now add an App ID URI for the API we will be developing. It must be unique within your organisation’s directory. In our scenario I have chosen “https://connectedcircuits.onmicrosoft.com/DemoProtectedAPI” which represents the domain and the name of the Web API we will be building.


We can now start on building the MVC Web API. Create a new ASP.NET Web Application project in Visual Studio.


Select the Web API template, set the Authentication to “No Authentication” and uncheck “Host in the cloud”. We will setup the authentication manually and host this locally in IIS Express for now.


Once the template solution is created install the following Nuget packages to the project.

  • Install-Package Microsoft.Owin
  • Install-Package Microsoft.Owin.Security.ActiveDirectory
  • Install-Package Microsoft.Owin.Host.SystemWeb – this package is required when hosting your API in IIS express.
  • Install-Package Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Owin.
  • Install-Package System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt -Version

After the packages have been installed, add a new partial class called Startup.cs to the App_Start folder.


Add the following code into this class. This class reads the configuration settings in the web.config file and  initialises the Owin authentication.

   1: using Microsoft.Owin;

   2: using Owin;

   3: using System.Web.Http;

   4: using Microsoft.Owin.Security.ActiveDirectory;

   5: using System.Configuration;

   6: using System.IdentityModel.Tokens;


   8: [assembly: OwinStartup(typeof(DemoProtectedAPI.App_Start.Startup))]


  10: namespace DemoProtectedAPI.App_Start

  11: {

  12:     public partial class Startup

  13:     {

  14:         public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)

  15:         {

  16:             HttpConfiguration config = new HttpConfiguration();

  17:             ConfigureAuth(app);

  18:             WebApiConfig.Register(config);


  20:             app.UseWebApi(config);

  21:         }


  23:         private void ConfigureAuth(IAppBuilder app)

  24:         {

  25:             var tokenValidationParameter = new TokenValidationParameters();

  26:             tokenValidationParameter.ValidAudience = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Azure.AD.Audience"];

  27:             app.UseWindowsAzureActiveDirectoryBearerAuthentication(

  28:             new WindowsAzureActiveDirectoryBearerAuthenticationOptions

  29:             {


  31:                 Tenant = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Azure.AD.Tenant"],

  32:                 TokenValidationParameters = tokenValidationParameter


  34:             });


  36:         }

  37:     }

  38: }


In the web.config add the two keys to the <appSettings> section shown in the code below. The  Tenant value is the  domain name that was specified when creating the directory and the Audience value is the App ID URL  that was given when adding an application to the directory.

   1: <appSettings>


   3:   <add key="Azure.AD.Tenant"

   4:     value="connectedcircuits.onmicrosoft.com" />

   5:   <add key="Azure.AD.Audience"

   6:     value="https://connectedcircuits.onmicrosoft.com/DemoProtectedAPI" />


   8: </appSettings>


Now to protect the methods in a a Controller, add the [Authorize] attribute to the class as shown below.


One final step is to turn on the SSL requirement for this project as oAuth2 relies on using a  secure channel. Click on the project to display the Properties page and set the SSL Enabled to True. Take note of the URL and port number.


Now if you try and navigate to the GET Values method you should get an authorization error as shown below:


Registering the client app

To be able to get access to the methods exposed in the MVC Controller, you will need to send a bearer token in the Authorization HTTP Header. To get the token we will need to setup another application for the client in the same domain as the Web API Service.

From the Azure Classic Portal, go to the Active Directory resources and select the name of the active directory that was created at the beginning of this blog. Click on Applications and then click on the Add button at the bottom of the page.


Again select “Add an application my organization is developing”. In the dialogue box give it a suitable name and set the type to Web Application and/or Web API as shown below.


In the next screen, you can set the sign-on URL to http://localhost as it is not used for this type of authentication flow. The APP ID URI should be set to a unique value,  its used as a unique logical identifier for your app.


Once it has been created, click “Configure” and scroll to the bottom of the page and click the button “Add application”. This is how we associate the web service you created earlier with your application.


Set the “Show” dropdown control to “All Apps” and click the Tick icon. This should display all the apps listed in your domain. Highlight your web service and click on the plus icon.


After clicking the plus icon, the app will be shown in the Selected column. Then click the “Tick” icon at the bottom of the page to return back the Configure page.


Back on the Configure page, set the delegated permissions on the App you just added from the previous web page as shown below and click save.


Now we need to obtain the client key to be used for obtaining the JWT.  Scroll up to the keys section and generate a new key. Note the key won’t be shown until you press the save button at the bottom of the page and you will need to take a copy of this key.


Next we will need top take a copy of the client Id which is also on the Configure page.


The last piece we need is the endpoint of the OAuth token. This is found by scrolling to the bottom of the page and pressing the View Endpoints button.


Now take a copy of the OAuth token endpoint.


We now have the 4 pieces of information required to request the JWT.

  1. Web API endpoint  – the specified App ID URI when registering the Web API service.
  2. Client Id – created when registering the client app.
    • 7f1fd29a-d20f-4158-8f47-eff1ea87dc38
  3. Client Key  – generated when registering the client app.
    • OPAfMI4IixoYnGAPiCpLvAvYecH92TXcC1/8wH31HD0=
  4. OAuth 2.0 token endpoint – App endpoints from either the Web API or Client App.https://login.microsoftonline.com/f3301fa6-4178-44a9-b5a9-e945e69e4638/oauth2/token

Using the above information we make a POST to the OAuth token endpoint using the following raw body form content to get a bear token.      resource=<web_api_endpoint>&grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=<client_id>&client_secret=<client_key>

Using a tool like PostMan, POST the following request. Note the generated Client Key needs to be URL encoded and set the header Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded.


Actual Token request message shown below.

POST /f3301fa6-4178-44a9-b5a9-e945e69e4638/oauth2/token HTTP/1.1
Host: login.microsoftonline.com
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Cache-Control: no-cache


If all went well you should get the following response as a JSON Web Token (JWT).{ “token_type”: “Bearer”,
“expires_in”: “3600”,
“ext_expires_in”: “0”,
“expires_on”: “1480196246”,
“not_before”: “1480192346”,
“resource”: “
“access_token”: “<token string>” }

Now to access the Web API service, we need to pass the access_token value in the request Authorisation header as a bearer token. Take note the value of the Authorization header key requires the oAuth token to be prefixed with “Bearer” and a blank space.


The raw request is shown below and the bearer token has been truncated for clarity.

GET /api/Values HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:44312
Authorization: Bearer GET /api/Values HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:44312
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiI…
Cache-Control: no-cache
Postman-Token: 1eb00cbd-6eb9-c7b0-182d-a55fcd4f044a

