Once you got the BizTalk ESB Toolkit running for a while, you would have noticed the EsbException database will begin to grow in size if left unchecked. The main culprit is the MessageData table which holds the entire message receive by BizTalk.
Unfortunately there is no out of the box maintenance script to remove old records from this database. To resolve this issue I decided to write the stored procedure below and execute it every night in a SQL Agent job.
The parameter @DaysToKeep defines how many days worth of exception data you wish to keep. Also I decided to batch delete the rows as not to blow out the transaction log as this database can get quite large. At the end of the script I also shrink the database.
If you wish to deploy this script in a production environment, please test it thoroughly.
USE [EsbExceptionDb] GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO /********************************************************************************************* Description: Deletes records from the tables in a batch style and shrinks the database. Params: @DaysToKeep - number of days from the current date to keep alerts. *********************************************************************************************/ ALTER procedure [dbo].[maint_TruncateOldAlerts] @DaysToKeep int = 7 as declare @error int, @rowcount int declare @DateToDelete datetime set @DateToDelete = DATEADD(dd,@DaysToKeep*-1,GETDATE()) print @DateToDelete --using the fault table as the key table for the insertion date --dbo.ProcessedFault print 'Deleting ProcessedFault' while 1 = 1 begin delete top(1000) pf from dbo.Fault f with (nolock) inner join dbo.ProcessedFault pf with (nolock) on f.FaultID = pf.ProcessedFaultID where f.InsertedDate < @DateToDelete If @@rowcount < 1 break end --dbo.MessageData print 'Deleting MessageData' while 1 = 1 begin delete top(1000) md from dbo.Fault f with (nolock) inner join dbo.[Message] m with (nolock) on f.FaultID = m.FaultID inner join dbo.MessageData md with (nolock) on m.MessageID = md.MessageID where f.InsertedDate < @DateToDelete If @@rowcount < 1 break end --dbo.ContextProperty print 'Deleting ContextProperty' while 1 = 1 begin delete top(1000) cp from dbo.Fault f with (nolock) inner join dbo.[Message] m with (nolock) on f.FaultID = m.FaultID inner join dbo.ContextProperty cp with (nolock) on m.MessageID = cp.MessageID where f.InsertedDate < @DateToDelete If @@rowcount < 1 break end --dbo.AuditLogMessageData print 'Deleting AuditLogMessageData' while 1 = 1 begin delete top(1000) almd from dbo.Fault f with (nolock) inner join dbo.[Message] m with (nolock) on f.FaultID = m.FaultID inner join dbo.AuditLog al on al.MessageID = m.MessageID inner join dbo.AuditLogMessageData almd on al.AuditLogID = almd.AuditLogID where f.InsertedDate < @DateToDelete If @@rowcount < 1 break end --dbo.AuditLog print 'Deleting AuditLog' while 1 = 1 begin delete top(1000) al from dbo.Fault f with (nolock) inner join dbo.[Message] m with (nolock) on f.FaultID = m.FaultID inner join dbo.AuditLog al on al.MessageID = m.MessageID where f.InsertedDate < @DateToDelete If @@rowcount < 1 break end --dbo.AlertSubscriptionHistory print 'Deleting AlertSubscriptionHistory' while 1 = 1 begin delete top(1000) ash from dbo.Fault f with (nolock) inner join dbo.AlertHistory ah with (nolock) on f.FaultID = ah.FaultID inner join dbo.AlertSubscriptionHistory ash with (nolock) on ah.AlertHistoryID = ash.AlertHistoryID where f.InsertedDate < @DateToDelete If @@rowcount < 1 break end --dbo.AlertHistory print 'Deleting AlertHistory' while 1 = 1 begin delete top(1000) ah from dbo.Fault f with (nolock) inner join dbo.AlertHistory ah with (nolock) on f.FaultID = ah.FaultID where f.InsertedDate < @DateToDelete If @@rowcount < 1 break end --dbo.AlertEmail print 'Deleting AlertEmail' while 1 = 1 begin delete top(1000) ae from dbo.AlertEmail ae where ae.InsertedDate < @DateToDelete If @@rowcount < 1 break end --dbo.Message print 'Deleting Message' while 1 = 1 begin delete top(1000) m from dbo.Fault f with (nolock) inner join dbo.[Message] m with (nolock) on f.FaultID = m.FaultID where f.InsertedDate < @DateToDelete If @@rowcount < 1 break end --dbo.Fault print 'Deleting Fault' while 1 = 1 begin delete top(1000) f from dbo.Fault f with (nolock) where f.InsertedDate < @DateToDelete If @@rowcount < 1 break end --shrink the database DBCC SHRINKDATABASE (EsbExceptionDb, 10); go